1. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMNT. | 1. Diploma in Welding & Fabrication. 2. Craft Certificate in Welding & Fabrication. 3. Artisan in Welding and Fabrication. 4. Manual Metal Arc Welding. | Apply |
2. BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. | 1. Building Technology level 6. 2. Building Technology level 5. 3. Civil Engineering Level 6. | |
3. AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. | 1. Dip. In Automotive engineering. 2. Craft Certificate in Automotive Engineering. 3. Artisan in Motorvehicle Mechanics. 4. Automotive Technician. | |
4. ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. | 1. Dip. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power option). 2. Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power option). 3. Artisan in Electrical Installation. | |
5. BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT. | 1. Diploma in Human Resource Management. Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management. 3. Diploma in Supply Chain Management. 4. Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management. 5. Diploma in business management. 6. Craft Certificate in business management. 7. Diploma in Social work & community development. 8. Certificate in social work & community development. | |
6. ICT AND COMPUTER STUDIES DEPARTMENT. | 1. Dip in ICT. 2. Craft Certificate in ICT. 3. Diploma in Information Science. 4. Certificate in Information Science. | |
7. HOSPITALITY INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. | 1. Certificate in Catering and Accommodation. 2. Craft Certificate in Food & Beverage. 3. Artisan in food and beverage | Apply |
1. Diploma in General Agriculture. 4. Horticulture Nursery Management. |